Thursday 11 September 2008

Back to earth

After the excitement of yesterday, things are a little quieter today. The accelerator is intending to run with single beams from this afternoon and overnight. ATLAS identified some collisions between protons in the beam and gas in the beampipe overnight, a different sort of beam related event to the beam halo we saw yesterday. We are still trying to time-in the detectors, at which point we can go beyond the full reconstruction of the events (which can produce segements of tracks for example, even if the segments are out of time) and produce something more 'joined up' - at which point we can produce the analysis format.
The UK has received all its datasets, but we are currently struggling with a problem in the disk storage at RAL, which is actually caused by the complex software used to manage the files over the Grid. On the positive side, at least we saw the probelm before the real collision data starts!

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